Category: Math For Children

10 Fahrenheit to Celsius

The Fahrenheit temperature scale is the preferred system of measurement in the United States, but most other countries use Celsius. The difference between the two scales is that one degC in the Celsius scale is 1.8 times larger than one degF in the Fahrenheit scale. How to Convert 10 Fahrenheit to Celsius In both systems, […]

80 Fahrenheit To Celsius

The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are used for measuring temperature throughout the world. In the United States, temperatures are typically recorded in degrees Fahrenheit, and in most of the rest of the world they’re measured in degrees Celsius. How to Convert From Fahrenheit to Celsius The two temperature scales are similar enough that they’re almost […]

Number Line With Negatives

When adding numbers on a negative number line, it is important to remember that the number on the left always decreases, while the one on the right always increases. The negative number line is also useful in subtraction, since the numbers on the left are always smaller than the ones on the right. Adding numbers […]

Multiple Vs Factor

The terms “multiple” and “factor” are used in math to find patterns in numbers and to simplify fractions. For example, if two numbers are 8, one can divide the two by 2 to simplify the fraction, and vice versa. In addition, the terms “factor” and “divisor” refer to the same thing. In some cases, one […]